
All through my entire life I've been observing human behaviour, yet I still cannot place myself in any of the discovered categories. I feel as if I am everything and everyone. An array of contradictions. An inbetween being. But I refuse to believe I am the only one.
It is funny how easily most people can be identified from just one encounter. The big mouth of the ostentatious. The palpable thirst for endorsement of the young. The silence of the rigid and proper. The act from a con.  
Van Gogh once said to his brother "It is difficult to know oneself, but it is not easy to paint oneself either". I suppose it is a matter of self-distance. Perhaps my inabilty to assort myself is due to lack of self-distance. Maybe the way I consider myself is in fact incorrect. 
Wouldn't that be a shame? To not know the one person you spend most time with? If you don't know yourself, how can you ever begin to know anyone else?

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