
They say, busy hands are happy hands, and boy, they're right. Work is usually a real hassle especiallly this time of the year. Throw a pandemic into it and there is absolute chaos. I don't have time to even think - which is a true blessing.
The other day on the bus, I realised I haven't thought of you in a very long time. I don't frantically check if you've seen my instagram story anymore. It's nice. You don't watch them as frequently anyways. And for the first time, I'm filled with peace, and even joy. Finally. 
There is a Buddhist tale.
Once upon the time, there was this munk who fell deeply and forcefully in love with a rich maiden. In their previous life, the munk came upon the maiden and found her deceased on the ground. He then covered her body with a blanket. By karma, she ought to repay her debt in this life and marry him. However, she would not. Thinking it was due to his social and financial status, he saw no hope.
Yet one day, an announcement came, stating that the maiden had married a poor, young scholar. The munk was furious. But as he, in his previous life, had covered up the maiden's deceased body, the young scholar had in his previous life discovered her covered body and decided to bury her. 
We might think that we exclusively deserve someone. That we are perfectly made for someone. That we have done so much to earn someone's love and trust. When all the while someone else have done even more. What is yours, will be. And what is not, cannot be impelled. 
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