
I have never been very accepting in regards of weaknesses, the very least my own. Not because of the trait itself but the delusion of ourselves as frail beings. Seems like people has become forgetful of how endlessly strong we actually are.
Contemporary time is littered with so called "cotton children". These children have lived their entire lives wrapped in cotton, protected and secluded from reality. And the tiniest adversity or hardship makes them fatique and depressed. In all honesty, it disgusts me. We don't even know the first thing about hardship. We don't know real suffering. We live an abundant life and probably will do until the day we die.
It is very provocative hearing people nag about this and that. Bagatelles. The other day a colleague was genuinely upset about needing to report his workhours on his own. Try and throw a fit like that in any other workplace and you'd be sacked immediately. Idiot. And he had the audacity to demand a democratic vote about the matter. Just do your damn job, which by the way is ever so forgiving and simple, you're lucky. 
But he doesn't know better. He doesn't know that a child on the other side of the planet is working probably 16 hours a day and is euphoric for the underpayment he recieves. They don't know and they don't want to know. I have a friend who avoids the news because it's too upsetting, too unpleasant to watch. The world is an unpleasant place, whether you'd like to accept it or not. 
I feel as if I'm trapped in a nuthouse, surrounded by these deranged creatures. No one shares the same worldview as I do, and it is frustrating. They all seem to live in a self-righteous bubble, completely deattached from reality. And I am considered the odd man out. I'm the weirdo.

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