
I got my promotion. I found myself ran over with intimidation rather than excitement. But I remain a firm believer of self-growth, which can only be foster by constant exposure to challenges. And so, whenever I am reluctant to commit or acquit of a task, I try and confront my fears and insecurities. These fears and insecurities are all just imaginary inventions of the mind. They can be tamed and sculptured into any other form that we wish. New beginnings, however frightful and unpredictable, are still lavished with hope. Yet, it is up to us to make something out of it. 
I'd like take a moment to express my honest gratitude. Sometimes, we tend to get caught up in what we're lacking in life and easily oversee what we already possess. Starting a new career ladder puts me back on ground zero and I put a lot of pressure on myself. I tend to think less of myself and my achievements because it won't fit the timeline nor the frames of society. But when shedding another light upon the circumstances, I review past moments: studying abroad, doing internship, travelling, making new friendships and maintaining old ones, spending time with my dad. I have so much to be thankful for; all the opportunities given my way and the insights received from it. How could I ever be anything but grateful, when some have so very little? 
Princess Diana was right, other people may consider us non-starters, but at the very least, we don't have to share their opinion. And how could we, when we don't share much simliarity to begin with? We will never be queens, alas, our idea of a landing reaches further along than within stone walls. Sky is the limit, but why stop there? Why stop at all?

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