Faith is an escape. It allows you to be foolish, to be hopeful. It provides with meaning and a little bit of mystique. It facilitates everyday life. It helps you to get by, day after day. It is like love, a naive concept we created to cater solace in our lonely moments of despair. It may not be real, yet we choose to believe. To trust in it.
I cannot explain in words, this feeling. I cannot recollect how and when it was obtained. It started off as play pretend, and now it is my entire reality. I have so much hope in me. Even when in the bottom of the deepest and darkest pit, nothing can break this.. thing within me. It is not even hard. It demands no attention or special attendance. It just springs out of hard conditions and limited resources. Like the dandelion ascending from a small crack in the grey concrete - so vivid and indestructable.
I fear for it sometimes, like a concerned mother watching over a child while knowing such innocence has no place in a cruel world like this. I'm afraid one day it will be crushed and I'll be devasted not solely for losing it but having allowed its existence for so long. That's the thing that hurts most, you know? Not losing something, but to have had something once.